FaRT 5.34 devlog

HUNTING has been added! It's been a long time coming. It's JUST started, so don't expect much yet.

Lobbyist was the beginning to my top down shooter, and this is the logical way to add that to the regular gameplay. I will be back to Lobbyist in the 'arcade' when I am done, to tidy it up,  and add in the regular gameplay. It's not nearly finished. I will be changing up the regular gameplay to fit hunting in, and making a separate driving based game for the arcade, splitting some ideas between the real game, and the mini-game. I will be moving the money per passed car aspect, and the 'gainful crashing' aspect to the mini-game, and make it crucial to not crash all the time. It's a huge split, and one that I've been debating for a long time. I think it will really add a lot to the gameplay, as a survival game, while keeping the crashing being beneficial from time to time in the mini-game aspect alive.

Hunting incorporates a group of deer that will run at sight or sound, but isn't otherwise programmed into the rest of the game yet. I will hook it into the food supply, and make the grocery stores general stores, and let you buy guns and bullets, possibly marbles to throw (much less effect, before you buy a gun). Lot of work to do, but in the end I will have a more Oregon Trail-y feel to the base game, by both eliminating the current means of gain, (passing cars for money), and making it more of a start with $X scenario, while adding in a very similar hunting scene, and using that system for keeping your family fed. I'm excited to see where it goes! Let me know what you think so far if you want, I'd love some feedback!

All the best,
Vaughn Evans


5.34.exe 55 MB
Apr 24, 2020

Get Family Road Trip

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